Thursday, April 26, 2012


Hello fellow bloggers. Normally I have kept a day journal to record my rants. I will continue to do so even if I am the only person that will ever read them. I have been doing this for the better part of two decades now. Sometimes the entries are merely a laconic sentence or two devoted to the days (usually repetitive) activities, and sometimes they are lengthy discourses or observations that I have made that day that I feel are worth recording for posterity or merely for my own amusement at a later date. Usually these longer entries tend to ramble and by the time I get to the end, the subject has changed entirely. Who knows, maybe that is what will happen here.

I have a variety of interests, perhaps too many, which may be the reason that I have never mastered anything. I tend to go whole hog into something for a while before getting bored and venturing into something else. However, I usually return to the subject at a future date, jump into it again and then once again tire of the subject and find something else that interests me. I guess that it is one big circle that I travel, going round and round in an existential existence always attempting to find some Nirvana that doesn't exist. Oh well, I guess that it is better to live in this world than the alternative. Anyway, I will be posting things on here that interest me, and perhaps might interest you...the reader...who might just happen to stumble into my world.

My Library

In case any one is interested, I will relate a few details about myself so that the reader knows a little bit about the person who is writing these posts, not that it makes a difference. First of all I am 43 years old, married, and have an eight year old son. I am a writer, have published a book (not exactly eating up the N.Y. Times bestseller list) and have written some articles for various magazines and newsletters. However, as unfortunate and unfair as it may seem, writing is not how I put food on the table as much as I would like for it to do so. It is merely an outlet for a creative side in me that has been with me for as long as I can remember. I love books. Here is a photo of my library. My favorite subjects are history and astronomy, but I am also interested in the politics of the world, and philosophy. I despise political parties, and will never join one. I do, however, have opinions but most of the time I feel as if I am on the outside looking in. Perhaps it was meant for me to be this way I do not know. Some people jump right in and get involved in things (running for political office, smiling at the camera and feeding their ego.) I guess that is their nature. It is not mine, (though I do have an ego) I am an observer watching from the outside, and probably will be until, like Hamlet said, I shall shuffle off this mortal coil.

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