Friday, June 22, 2012

A Certain Encounter: Beetle Man

A few years ago I crossed paths with a stranger that I have never forgotten. It was a torrid summer day probably close to 100 degrees. It was one of those summer days that when a person emerges from within a place where the air has been conditioned to make them feel clean, healthy, and plastic The person is then suddenly exposed to the reality of climate and a sudden shock ensues. The shock, however can be gradual, and before the person knows it, the clean, healthy, and plastic individual is suddenly rendered to its true stinking human form. This form finds itself sweating profusely even with very little activity. Hair becomes wet and plastered, garments stick to the skin, and the salt from dripping sweat burns the eyes. This is how it is in the southern United States in the summertime. Hot, Humid and was miserable, and I was working. In fact, I was working outside, on the railroad tracks... where, of was miserable. I was on foot and could see nearly a mile down the tracks. The heat rising from the rails caused the air in front of me to become wavy and distorted as if I were walking through a great airborne sea. I am familiar with the anomaly of a mirage. When I was in the Marine Corps I saw a great river out in the desert where no river should have been. So when I saw a bright flash of light like a great beacon on the tracks about a half a mile in front of me I thought "am I really seeing that?" After a few seconds the light disappeared only to reappear a few seconds later. I wasn't seeing things, there was something on the tracks...was it stationary? or was it moving? As I came closer to it I could make out a shadow underneath the object and I quickly determined that it was in motion, and that whatever it was that was causing the bright light  was reflecting the rays of the sun like some death ray from a sci-fi movie. Soon, I was able to ascertain that the shadow under this object was human, and that this human was carrying something on his back that reflected sunlight. From the distance that I now observed this oddity it reminded me of a large beetle coming toward me down the track. The scissor legs visible underneath, swaying with methodical rhythm made it look alien as if it had just emerged from it's spacecraft which took the form of a large green water tower in the distance. I was thoroughly perplexed as to what comprised the beetle's shell. Indeed, however, I was soon upon it and not surprisingly the beetle's shell transformed into a very large, very cumbersome, highly reflective piece of sheet metal while the scissor legs underneath it were attached to a lean, muscular, and sweaty body. I hailed the beetle man.
"How is it with you?"
"Good!...Good!" was the response. "I'ma takin this here piece of metal to the scrap yard."
"Really" I said.
"That's right...Isu got me some moe back there in the woods."

     I recall asking him about the price of metals, and he gave me quite a long lesson in the current and former prices along with a future forecast. I can remember asking myself "why was this man out here scavenging for metal when he might be better employed as a speculator of iron and other ores in the marketplace. I soon found myself engaging in a lengthy discussion with this trader of metals. Although he obviously lacked any kind of formal education, and was quite possibly illiterate, he exhibited  an air of intelligence that was quite extraordinary given his humble circumstances. He was probably about 60 years of age, claimed to own a small house not far distant, and had no debt. "I owe no man" I recall him saying "cept the tax man" he said with a grin. Why he felt compelled to tell me all these personal things I cannot say. A lot of times i come across people on the railroad tracks who attempt to justify why they are at that certain location...perhaps believing that I am some arm of the law...or at least someone who might snitch on them. I am none of these things. Unless someone is engaging in outright thievery or plunder I perform as a good gentleman would and tend to mind my own business. i did not ask the beetle man where he found his sheet of metal...nor did i care. As far as I was concerned it was lost property.

     As I took my leave of beetle man I could not help but to notice the cheery disposition and confidence of this man. He seemed truly happy and content with his situation in life. To me it was a lesson in humility, almost as if the beetle man was a messenger sent my way to teach me a lesson. We all could learn a lesson from the beetle man...perhaps the world would be a better place if we all were comfortable with possessing just the Necessities of life. As I continued my journey down the tracks I stole a glance behind me. In the distance...a small speck...moving onward...I could see the shell...and the spidery legs continuing on his humble journey.

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